{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}

{{ 'in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }}

{{ (item.variation.media ? item.variation.media.alt_translations : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel }} {{ (item.variation.media
                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
{{ 'product.bundled_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.gift.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{ field.name_translations | translateModel }}
  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x NT$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點
{{addonItem.product.cover_media.alt_translations | translateModel}}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}


【Joy for Little Actors 6 Pinocchio】小木偶
【Joy for Little Actors 6 Pinocchio】小木偶
【Joy for Little Actors 6 Pinocchio】小木偶
NT$100 ~ NT$600
【Joy for Little Actors 5 Jack and the Beanstalk】傑克與魔豆
【Joy for Little Actors 5 Jack and the Beanstalk】傑克與魔豆
【Joy for Little Actors 5 Jack and the Beanstalk】傑克與魔豆
NT$100 ~ NT$600
【Joy for Little Actors 4 The Turtle and The Rabbit】龜兔賽跑
【Joy for Little Actors 4 The Turtle and The Rabbit】龜兔賽跑
【Joy for Little Actors 4 The Turtle and The Rabbit】龜兔賽跑
NT$100 ~ NT$600
【Joy for Little Actors 3 Three Little Pigs and Seven Little Sheep】三隻小豬與七隻小羊
【Joy for Little Actors 3 Three Little Pigs and Seven Little Sheep】三隻小豬與七隻小羊
【Joy for Little Actors 3 Three Little Pigs and Seven Little Sheep】三隻小豬與七隻小羊
NT$100 ~ NT$600
【Joy for Little Actors 2 Cinderella】灰姑娘
【Joy for Little Actors 2 Cinderella】灰姑娘
【Joy for Little Actors 2 Cinderella】灰姑娘
NT$100 ~ NT$600
【Wee Kids 6 Town Musicians of Bremen】布萊梅的城市樂手
【Wee Kids 6 Town Musicians of Bremen】布萊梅的城市樂手
【Wee Kids 6 Town Musicians of Bremen】布萊梅的城市樂手
NT$180 ~ NT$2,976
【Wee Kids 5 Pinocchio】皮諾丘
【Wee Kids 5 Pinocchio】皮諾丘
【Wee Kids 5 Pinocchio】皮諾丘
NT$180 ~ NT$2,976
【Wee Kids 4 The Frog Prince】青蛙王子
【Wee Kids 4 The Frog Prince】青蛙王子
【Wee Kids 4 The Frog Prince】青蛙王子
NT$180 ~ NT$2,976
【Wee Kids 3 The Boy Who Cried Wolf】放羊的孩子
【Wee Kids 3 The Boy Who Cried Wolf】放羊的孩子
【Wee Kids 3 The Boy Who Cried Wolf】放羊的孩子
NT$180 ~ NT$2,976
【Wee Kids 2 The Ugly Duckling】醜小鴨
【Wee Kids 2 The Ugly Duckling】醜小鴨
【Wee Kids 2 The Ugly Duckling】醜小鴨
NT$180 ~ NT$2,976
【Wee Kids 1 The Three Little Pigs】三隻小豬
【Wee Kids 1 The Three Little Pigs】三隻小豬
【Wee Kids 1 The Three Little Pigs】三隻小豬
NT$180 ~ NT$2,976
【Tiny Tots 6 Uncle Sam's Turnip】山姆叔叔的蘿蔔
【Tiny Tots 6 Uncle Sam's Turnip】山姆叔叔的蘿蔔
【Tiny Tots 6 Uncle Sam's Turnip】山姆叔叔的蘿蔔
NT$240 ~ NT$1,200
【Tiny Tots 5 The Great Race】龜兔賽跑
【Tiny Tots 5 The Great Race】龜兔賽跑
【Tiny Tots 5 The Great Race】龜兔賽跑
NT$240 ~ NT$1,200
【Tiny Tots 4 Little Red】小紅帽
【Tiny Tots 4 Little Red】小紅帽
【Tiny Tots 4 Little Red】小紅帽
NT$240 ~ NT$1,200
【Tiny Tots 3 The Honest Woodcutter】誠實的樵夫
【Tiny Tots 3 The Honest Woodcutter】誠實的樵夫
【Tiny Tots 3 The Honest Woodcutter】誠實的樵夫
NT$240 ~ NT$1,200
【Tiny Tots 2 The Girl and the Glass Shoe】女孩與玻璃鞋
【Tiny Tots 2 The Girl and the Glass Shoe】女孩與玻璃鞋
【Tiny Tots 2 The Girl and the Glass Shoe】女孩與玻璃鞋
NT$240 ~ NT$1,200
【Tiny Tots Fun Fest】節慶
【Tiny Tots Fun Fest】節慶
【Tiny Tots Fun Fest】節慶
NT$240 ~ NT$3,600
【Tiny Tots 節慶】7件配套組
【Tiny Tots 節慶】7件配套組
【Wee Kids】5件配套組
【Wee Kids】5件配套組
【Joy for Little Actors 1 Snow White】白雪公主
【Joy for Little Actors 1 Snow White】白雪公主
【Joy for Little Actors 1 Snow White】白雪公主
NT$100 ~ NT$600
【Tiny Tots 節慶】4件配套組
【Tiny Tots 節慶】4件配套組
【Tiny Tots 1 The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats】大野狼與七隻小羊
【Tiny Tots 1 The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats】大野狼與七隻小羊
【Tiny Tots 1 The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats】大野狼與七隻小羊
NT$240 ~ NT$1,200
#295 法國
#295 法國
#295 法國