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“Teacher, play a game!”
Have your students ever caught you off guard and said, “Teacher, play a game!” Do you feel that you are on a dry spell of games? Don’t worry. This “Game Time” series provides with endless ideas of games you can use in your classroom.
Teaching young children in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environment is full of challenges. Because authentic input is limited, mechanical practices are most often used and greatly bore the students. In order to motivate the students, many teachers use games as a tool to help students use what they learned and enjoy learning.
All the games in this book series are presented in both English and Chinese so that both native-English-speaking and native-Chinese speaking teachers can understand how to play. Each game comes with a model dialogue demonstrating how the teachers can use simple English to play the games. Each book comes with 36 games, 180 total in the 5 books, and organized by difficulty. Each book also comes with an appendix, including “Game Meister Says: About Playing Games,” “Game Language,” “Printable Teaching Aids,”… etc.
Game Time series not only include innovative different types of games, but also different ways to play different games so that the teachers can play games easily. This series is most definitely resource books every teacher needs for their fun and successful classrooms.
☆ 36 games in each of the 5 books. 180 games in total. All games are organized in order of difficulty.
☆ All games in this book series are presented in both English and Chinese. Each book comes with an appendix, including “Game Meister Says: About Playing Games,” “Game Language,” “Printable Teaching Aids,”… etc. And all games are categorized with guides and demonstrations.
☆ Each game comes with introduction, instructions, variations, are categorized with goals, and includes a list of materials needed.
About the Author :
- Peggy Huang
- Part-time Associate Professor, Taipei Municipal University of Education
- Ph.D. Program in English Teaching, Graduate School of English, Tamkang University
- M.A. University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
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